Friday, February 10, 2012

The Proposal...


Let me start this blog at the beginning... the proposal! First I have to say I did suspect it was coming because Steve and I had talked about getting married. However, I never thought I would get the kind of proposal I got. I was blown away by Steve's proposal. He put so much effort into to making it special for me, and he succeeded. I don't know any other girl that got a proposal as fun,
exciting, touching and creative as mine. I will let him tell you the story (I took this from his website)...

‘The Stuff’ is what I had entitled the note in my phone where I detailed every step of one of the scariest things I have done to date: propose to my girlfriend. Why would I need a note in my phone, you ask? Well, I wanted it to be special and memorable (I mean, who doesn’t, right?), so I knew I needed a plan. And a plan I had!

It all started before Christmas. I knew our one year anniversary was coming on on January 2nd, and I thought that would be a good time to pop the question, but I had no idea how I was going to do it. We’d discussed the idea about getting married, and we were both for it, so I wasn’t terribly worried about it all going horribly, horribly wrong, but I still had the Ring Problem. Luckily for me, she wanted to pick out the ring. Unfortunately for me, it was a little more expensive than I was ready for. Oh boy. I debated how I was going to handle that, even going so far as seriously considering offering up a candy ring pop in lieu of an actual ring. However, my friends universally said no way in hell. It had to be a real ring.

So, I still had the Ring Problem. Through some careful budgeting, I determined that if I ate ramen noodles for a week, I could just make it fly… but then something horrible happened. I applied for a credit account, and… got it. Uh oh. Suddenly the Ring Problem was no more. Things were getting real. I went to the store the Thursday before Christmas and purchased the ring, and a heart necklace. The ring was left at the store to be sized, but I had the necklace gift wrapped.

Christmas came, and the second to last present for Amy to open was a small bag that contained a small box that held… a ring pop. She was not terribly happy at my humor. Glad I saved the necklace for last! She was very surprised at the necklace, and since it came in a box from the same store as the ring she wanted, it left a little bit of doubt about whether I bought the ring or not. Of course, I insisted that the necklace was the most expensive thing I could afford, and she did not dig deeper.

Fast forward a week. The store called me on Thursday, and I picked the sized ring up on Friday. It was time to implement ‘The Stuff’. I decided a treasure hunt of sorts would be a fun way of making it happen. I went to a local crafts store and bought some supplies: fancy gold envelopes with heavy stock cards, a calligraphy pen, a small bud vase, and a sheet of number stickers, and then headed home to make up the clues.

The clues ended up being a series of 5 clues, each hand written, with her name in fancy script on the outside of the envelope. Each was sealed with the number of the clue. The clue itself contained a paragraph about something from our past, how I felt about it, and how I felt about her, and then a lame verse that was a clue to the location of the next clue. I placed these together in my courier bag along with the ring box and didn’t let them out of my sight. Friday night at her place I snuck onto the internet and ordered a dozen flowers to be delivered Monday at 1pm. Sunday night when I picked up dinner, I bought one rose from the store to go with the first clue. And then Sunday night, for the first time in days, I slept soundly.

The dogs woke me up at 7, and thus the game was afoot.

First stop was following her to the shop to drop off her truck for service. Returned home, and she went back to bed as she was feeling kinda sick, but I knew I was not going to sleep. Around 10, the shop called; her truck was ready for pickup. We headed out the door, and once she was safely through the gate, I placed Clue 1 on her coffee table, propped up against the bud vase with a single rose in it. I then took her to the shop, and made an excuse that I needed to run some errands, and we’d hook up later.

I snuck off to a nearby parking lot to wait for her to head home. I gave her about a 10 minute head start, and delivered Clue 2. Clue 2 was a message sent via OK Cupid, the dating site we met on. I wanted it to arrive after she found Clue 1, in case it ended up getting emailed to her phone. I also needed to get back to her place so I could tape Clue 3b on her steering while after she arrived home, so I headed that way.

I arrived at her condo, and she was not there! I hurriedly hid in another nearby parking lot to wait. 10 minutes go by…. then 20… still no Amy. Just as I am about to give up, she pulls in. Whew. I let her go inside, and delivered Clue 3b to her car. Now it was truly on. I left her condo and headed home to shower and change.

She sent me a txt a few minutes after I put the clue on her steering wheel that she had found the flower, and within 10 minutes, she had uncovered the first two clues:

Clue 1 (envelope on coffee table)

Hi there beautiful,

Here we are on the day of our 1 year, still together, with the future looking bright. It can truly be a puzzle at times as to how we’ve managed to make such a good pair over the year, with our ups and downs, but I for one am most decidedly happy it has worked out.

In the spirit of puzzles, I have crafted for you a puzzle to solve today. This note is your first clue; you will receive more as you solve each step. The start of the hunt is back where we began, return to the Cupids for an electronic telegram.

-Your love

Clue 2 (OK Cupid message)

Congrats on finding the second clue! I remember when I first found you. Your robotic outfit caught my eye. I figured any girl with a love for robots would be a girl for me. You continue to surprise me and make me happy, more so than anyone I have ever met. I love you more and more each day.

Oh, by the way, please send me a txt as you find each clue so I know how far along you are in the game.

Tick, tock, tick, tock, goes the clock. When the hands strike 1pm, another clue shall arrive. Clue the third is cleft in two, and one piece shall be delivered to you!

I changed into dress clothes, and the Pepele Pew heart tie that she hates, and sat down on the couch to await the delivery of Clue 3a. That clue was written on the card of a dozen roses I had sent to her door. I broke this clue into two pieces so that she had to stay at her place until the flowers arrived to give me time to get ready. The flowers finally delivered at 1:43pm, with this clue:

Clue 3a (flower card),

May these Red flowers express my unending love for you. Clue the 3rd part one is in your hands, part two awaits for you outside. Sitting around is getting old, it’s time to take this puzzle on the road! xoxoxo

After getting confused in the backyard for a minute, she went out to her truck and found clue 3b.

Clue 3b (envelope taped to steering wheel)

Are you ready for a journey? Combine this clue with the last to figure out where to go! If you get stuck, text me, and I will help you out.

As surely doth the Robin tweet at the morn, my love for you shall never become worn.

She remembered to txt me after she had already left for Red Robin, which is where our first date a year prior was. I rushed out of the house and over to Red Robin so I could get Clue 4 dropped off before she arrived Red Robin was packed! I swung into the delivery slot behind the building and ran inside. I finally got the attention of the hostess, and explained what I was doing and asked if she would hand Amy the card when she came in. She agreed. I handed her the card, and a 10 dollar bill as a tip. I turned to run out, and the hostess called out that the $10 was not needed, but it was too late. I told her to keep it, and hurried on.

Clue 4 (envelope at Red Robin):

You’ve located the 4th clue!

I remember when I first saw you. I was mesmerized by how beautiful you looked, and with 20 minutes, I knew I had found my girl. Our meeting went so well, it was a shame that I was too nervous in the parking lot to indicate how much I wanted to see you again. I’m very happy that mistake didn’t end up being a fatal one!

To find the next clue, back to the road you must go, to find a quiet place where you can thoughtfully stare at the walls in wonder. The brush strokes will tantalize, while you try to analyze the hidden meanings.

I arrived behind the Red Robin to find white steam curling out from under the hood of my Subaru. What the hell? I hopped in the car and told it was not allowed to break down now, and motored off to the next location, the fine arts museum that was our second date.

Upon arrival at campus, I drove past the museum looking for quick parking. I drove through some construction and realized I was headed too far away. I stopped, and turned around, discovering that my return route was a closed road. What the hell, I needed to get this clue placed and figure out what was wrong with the car. I went the wrong way down the path I came up on, and just as I was getting to the end, a car stopped to wait for meand turned on the red and blue flashing lights on its dash. Busted! No time for cops, I drove past and hoped for the best. The guy must have been a campus cop, as he drove his way and didn’t follow me.

I parked, and ran up to the museum, taping Clue 5 to the gift shop window, as the museum was closed. Back to the car, pop the hoodand the top of the radiator was cracked, steam and coolant coming out. Wellit wasn’t overheating, so I decided to just press on. My phone buzzed, she was already halfway to the museum!

Clue 5 (envelope taped to window at the museum):

Here’s the 5th clue! The end is getting closer, are you having fun? I remember coming here with you, and spending the entire time trying to get up the nerve to hold your hand. Obviously, I failed to make it happen that day, but I loved spending the day with you.

The final clue is upon you. To find it, you will have to travel into the Sugarhouse, to where the pets go, and take a walk down the Hidden pathway along the creek, as we did several months ago. Last time it was to walk the dogs since the store was closed, but this time it shall be on purpose. Look for me upon the trail, and it is then you shall find the grail.

I jumped in the car and rushed off through the back roads, hoping to miss her. I think I got the front tires off the ground over a couple of unseen speed bumps. I arrived at the final location,
which was a Petco near my house. We had brought the dogs there once upon a time, but we arrived too late and the store was closed. We took them for a walk and found a nature trail called ‘Hidden Hollow’ to the side of the shopping area that followed a creek, with a bridge over the creek, and that was where I was going to be.

10 nervous minutes followed as she discovered the Clue and headed my way. I finally saw her walking up, and 100 yards out, she spotted the tie. I waited until she joined me on the bridge, and put my hands on her arms. I asked if she was having fun (she was), and then I offered a lot of mushiness about our wonderful year together, and how much I liked it, and how much I was looking forward to the future with her. Then, I said it…

‘I have a question for you.’

Her hands shot to her face. I got down on one knee like I had seen so many times in cheesy romantic comedies, and produced the ring box. I said, ‘Amy Wilson, will you marry me?’ and I opened the box and handed it to her.

She said, ‘you got the ring!’, and ‘now I’m crying’, as she held the ring in silence. Moments went by. I was still down on one knee. Waiting… waiting… getting nervous now… Finally, I offered, ‘Um, you should tell me yes or no’.

She laughed and said, ‘Yes!’, and I got up from the ground, relieved. She continued to stare at the ring, and my nightmare from earlier in the week played back: the ring falling through a crack in the bridge and washing down the creek. I suggested we should put it on her finger before that happened, and then fumbled with what finger to put it on. In the end, I found the right one, and it fit! Lots of hugs and kisses.

We then went to lunch, where I gave her the next small surprise, I had contacted most of her close girlfriends and invited them to join us for dinner so she could show off.

Later, we went to her parents house and shared the news. They were pretty happy for us. I received a txt from her brother welcoming his new ‘bro-in-law’ to the family. The dinner that night was one of the most fun and relaxed dinners with friends I have had in a long time.

Whew. I’m happy it is over and done with for now, I was getting stir crazy holding onto this surprise for so long.

I love you, Amy.


  1. That is so sweet! The perfect proposal for you.

  2. I love it. Man, that got me all teary eyed. Steve and Adam must be from the same planet, because Adam did his proposal with a treasure hunt too where he had all these cards he hand-made with all my scrapbook stuff. It was so sweet! I'm so so happy for you!

    Holly :)

  3. Oh my gosh! I re-stumbled upon your blog via one of my blogs and found this blog. Accidental stalking? Perhaps! Anyways I am SO happy for you! Congrats! I got teary reading the proposal! I'm so happy you've found someone who adores you and treats you like a princess! Good luck with your wedding!
